About the Society for Airway Management

The Society for Airway Management (SAM) was founded in 1995 by a group of physicians dedicated to the practice, teaching, and scientific advancement of airway management.

SAM members include Anesthesiologists, Nurse Anesthetists, Anesthesia Assistants, Emergency Medicine Physicians, Pulmonologists, Critical Care Specialists, Surgeons, paramedics, EMTs, members of industry, and others from more than 20 different countries.

SAM exists as an interdisciplinary forum for physicians and non-physicians. Members are encouraged to be active at the annual meeting and year-round. This is accomplished through participation in committees, contributing to the quarterly newsletter, and joining discussions on our online forum, social media, and homepage.

The Benefits of Membership

  • SAM-Forum (DocMatter): Discuss your cases with experts around the globe!
  • Airway related research
  • SAM research awards: Apply for grants to support airway-related research
  • Discounted registration to SAM Scientific Meetings and Workshops
  • Discounted Subscription to the Anesthesia & Analgesia (optional)
  • Communicate with physicians and inventors on a global level
  • Support the advancement of science and teaching in airway management
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Our Mission and Goals

  • To create a common forum for clinicians and others who practice airway management or who are engaged in airway-related patient care or research.
  • To contribute to the scientific advancement of airway management by encouraging new technologies, research, education and teaching.
  • To advocate the importance of airway management to the medical community and the public via professional conferences, scientific papers, and materials of popular interest.
  • To raise the standards of airway management by encouraging research, education, and dissemination of information related to airway management.
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